How to keep a routine during quarantine


During this quarantine with kids at home, it’s vital to set a schedule at home from day one and set limits.

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To start, you must differentiate between Friday and Saturday and school days. The rhythm during the week will be different, children shouldn’t forget that, even if they don’t attend school, they must stay active and attend to all tasks. Therefore, the time to get up should be the same as usual. In addition, it is highly recommended that they dress like a normal day.

It’s also convenient to keep the same schedule they would have during a class day and pay attention to online classes, recorded videos or any other application that has been indicated.

From our side, it’s essential that we are aware of all the tasks, as well as the procedure that has been established. In this way we will help our children to be consistent, also when they must return to school, it will be easier.

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The food issue can be solved in advance and prepare dishes so that you only must heat and serve. This will depend on our time and availability. In any case, in order not to disturb the children’s routine, it would be convenient for them, at least, to eat at the same time they would in the school canteen, in case they use it.

After eating, it is very important that they enjoy a short break, just as they would on a school day. At this time, they will be able to watch TV or a series or play online or with a board game. Depending on the school stage in which the child is, if in normal circumstances he had an afternoon schedule, he will have to reconnect with his center and continue doing the tasks until “the time of dismissal”, otherwise, he may start doing the homework that has been sent or study.

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Afternoons at home can be a bit long. Once the child has finished his class schedule, there may be several cases. On the one hand, it is very likely that they have homework, so they will dedicate the same time as a normal day. To replace extracurricular activities, we can look for another type of entertainment such as doing some exercise as much as possible.

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It’s very important to delimit the times well and establish a series of playful alternatives so that, when they disconnect from school activity, they have something interesting and instructive to occupy their time. Play board games, do some crafts, read a book, carry out some home experiment.

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In addition to maintaining the same dinner hours, children must go to bed at usual time. And to remind you again that the fact that the next day there is no school doesn’t mean they can go to bed late. That will be the only way to keep up.


Above all, it’s necessary to keep calm and, although it sometimes seems impossible, take the positive part of this situation that we are experiencing.
